Monday, 29 July 2019


Saturday, 13 July 2019

bad guys

The book that I have read is called bad guys. In the story there is
an alien invasion but only the bad guys could stop them and there
was a problem.

When the bad guys were going to save the earth, they
were 65 years back into the past and were attacked by
dinosaurs. Their friend wolf told them that if they stay very
still the dinosaurs can’t see them but he was wrong because
dinosaurs bit onto Mr Wolf’s bow tie and started dragging him up and down. 

Their friend snake came to save them from the dinosaurs.
He threw rocks at the dinosaurs and the dinosaurs fell on the ground.
The bad guys started running away. Snake told the bad guys to
follow him to this place.
They made it to the place where
there were a lot of trees and they
hid behind one big tree.
They saw the dinosaurs were coming, so snake thought of a plan.
He dressed up his friend shark like a tree and shark stood out in the
open. The dinosaurs walked right passed them and they moved
slowly away from the dinosaurs and ran up to a high mountain.

When they reached up on the mountain, snake said
that he knows where a time travel space ship is but it
was broken and they needed to fix it, so we can get back
to earth and save  everybody. When they were finished
fixing the time machine, they saw a button on it that said
do not press. Their friend spider went in first and they
went in after but they didn't know that they pressed the
button that said do not press. When they made it to
earth they had superpowers. They beat the aliens
and the aliens went back to their homes and never
came back to earth again.