Wednesday, 20 May 2020


Back to school

 Monday 18 May was the first day back to school from lockdown. 

When I got to school, it was very different. The parents had to stay
in the hall for safety reasons, I couldn’t enter my classroom from the corridor.

I had to wait outside and then the teacher came and asked to stay a metre apart
from each other. Then he gave us hand sanitiser one at a time to sanitise our hands
before we went into the classroom. After that, I looked at the seating plan to
find out where I was sitting. When I saw where I was sitting, I went into the
classroom keeping my distance from the other kids and found my disk.
When I sat down I got my netbook out and did the work that was given to us.

As time passed, it was morning tea but this time instead of eating first we sanitised our
hands and went outside to play. While we were playing, a duty teacher made sure we
were keeping our distance. 

After playtime, we went back to class to have morning tea. We had to wash our hands and
then sanitise it before eating. The deputy principal was there to supervise our morning
tea while our teacher was away in the staffroom having his morning tea. The DP told us to
keep our classroom and our environment clean and tidy.

When our Teacher Mr. Nath came back, our deputy principal said bye to us and she left. Then
we had a practice on how to assemble for home time. Ms.
Card called to class by class over the intercom and we had to go
out as we were called. We had to sanitise our hands before we
went. By the time we came back to class, it was lunchtime.
We put our bags away and went
out to play.

After lunch playtime, we had lunch in the classroom. After eating we washed our hands and
continued working individually. I completed my maths and then started working on my inquiry.
Then it was time for school to end. We waited for Ms. Card to call our class over the intercom.
When our class was called, we took our bags, sanitised our hands and walked to the hall to
wait for our siblings or collect our siblings in the Junior classes before our teacher took us
down to the gate. At the gate, we said goodbye to our friends and teachers and walked

Sanitising our hands


Monday, 11 May 2020

Friday, 8 May 2020

Mother's day

Mother's day

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Mother's day card


Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Why plastic bags should be banned

click to get a closer look

Friday, 1 May 2020

Auto draw on Waiotaiki Bay

                                         This is my auto draw on Waiotaiki bay.