Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Monday, 22 March 2021

Project Based Learning - English

Today we did Project Based Learning for week 8. For our Project Based Learning we did English, for English we had to make a poster on our favorite Animal. My favorite Animal is a Snake, I wrote lots of facts about Species of Snakes and also which are venomous and which are not. One thing I learned was that the most venomous Snake in the world is a Inland Taipan and that when you are bitten by this Snake you will only have 45 minutes to live. 

I really enjoyed projected base Learning and had a lot of fun.

Thursday, 18 March 2021



Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Maths - Perimeter

Today we did Maths. For Maths we had to find the perimeter of different shapes. 

This is what I have done for my work   

Monday, 15 March 2021


 Today for Maths we were split in groups. I was split in a group of 3 with Pitara and Marshall for Maths we had to do measurement this is what me and my group did. 

Cyber Smart Challenge - 4


Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Monday, 8 March 2021

Maths - measurement/TAHA

 Today me and my group did Maths we had to do measurement this is what we did\     

Window - W =  5 1/3  -  L = 5 1/3 - I used a book

Netball court - W = 38 - L = 76 1/2 - I used Soane's feet

Field - L = 505  - W = 223 - I used my feet 

Thank you Mr Tofa

 Thank you Reece Painters for sponsoring the Room 7 Whanau challenge prices. 

Also thank you for hamper. 


AJ/ME - Key - Alijon - 1st place

Arman - 2nd place
And Soane came 3rd but I don't have a picture 

Friday, 5 March 2021

Room 7 Whanau Challenge Day 5 - Act of kindness


Room 7 Whanau Challenge Day 5. Today was the final Whanau challenge,
me and my family made a video on Act of Kindness in our house hold. 
I hope you enjoy 

Tuhi Mai Week 4-5 - Reading


The first settlers who came to New Zealand

The first settlers who came to New Zealand

Firstly the Maori were the first settlers who came to New Zealand. When the Europeans arrived, Maori were already settled in New Zealand so they were known as the first people to settle in New Zealand. 

The Maori were the first settlers so they called themselves Tangata Whenua (People of the land).  

In December 1642, the first European explorer arrived in New Zealand, known as Able Tasman, he came to New Zealand for an Expedition. He was given two small ships and a crew from the company he worked for, Dutch East India Company. 

While in New Zealand Abel Tasman and his crew only encountered the Maori once and it ended badly with 4 of his crew members beaten and killed by the Maori. 

Then another European explorer came to New Zealand in October 1769 known as James Cook, he came to New Zealand for a scientific expedition. James Cook also encountered the Maori once and it was very unsuccessful with some of the Maori dead. 

It won't be another 127 years before the next encounter between the Maori and Europeans.


Pakeha kept coming to New Zealand and some even made the Maori mad and very unhappy, Maori couldn’t have peace because they kept getting disturbed. 

Finally, the Maori could have peace they thought, while they signed the Treaty with the British on the 6th of February 1840, but the British kept making the Maori unhappy. 

Then the New Zealand war started in 1845 and went for 27 years and ended in 1872 but even though the war is over, Maori are still fighting the system to this day for retribution.


 Measurement tasks for Friday 5 March 2021

Try to solve the problems independently. 

You may use diagrams to explain your thinking.

We will discuss as a group what strategies you used to solve the problems

WALT: use multiplicative and/or additive strategies to solve  measurement problems.

  1. A student measures her height with a 30 cm long ruler. She finds that she is four and a half rulers high. How tall is she in cm? 30cmx4=120cm half of 30 is 15 so

120cm + 15 = 135cm

  1. A student is told that they are 1.45 m tall. How tall is this in cm? 

1m = 100cm  45 = 45cm      100cm + 45cm = 145cm 

  1. If it takes 3 hours to drive 210 km, what was the average speed of the journey? 

3h = 210km    210 divide by 3 = 70 So if i go 70km/ph it will take 3 hours to drive 210km So my answer is 70km/ph

  1. A class of 28 is split into small groups. How big can those groups be? 

Half of 28 = 14   Half of 14 = 7  28 divided by 7 = 4 So 4 groups of 7 are the most groups the class can have. 

  1. A car, travelling at an average speed of 70 km/ph is in a journey of 210 km. 

How long will the journey take? 70 x 3 = 210km so the journey will take 3 hours  

  1. A long distance swimmer takes 80 strokes to swim 100 metres. He wants to swim across Lake Taupo, a distance of 4200 metres. 

a. How many strokes will it take for him to swim across the lake? 80x42 = 3360s

b. If he can swim at a rate of 60 strokes per minute, how many minutes could he swim across the lake in?  3360 divided by 60 = 56m

c. Can he expect to beat the 2015 champion swimmer who crossed the lake in a time of 51 minutes and 48 seconds? No because he crossed the line in 56 minutes 

These problems are taken from NZ Maths

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Room7 Whanau Challenge Day 4

 Today was the Whanau challenge Day 4. For this activity we had to do some exercise. I hope you like what we have done.

Screencastify on how to use Google Earth

 Here is a Screencastify of me showing how to use Google Earth. 
I hope you learn something new and I hope you enjoy.



Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Room 7 Whanau Challenge Day 3

Day 3 of Room 7 Whanau challenge was we had to make a meal and take videos and pictures to show what you made and how you made it, I made French Fries, Salad and Crispy Chicken.
I hope you like what I made 

He waka eke noa = We are all in this together

Today we had Mrs Raj as our Teacher one of the task she gave us was to make a WAKA this is what I drew on google draw. 

I hope you like it. 

He waka eke noa = We are all in this together  


Measurement tasks for Term 1 Week 5 

Wednesday and Friday

WALT: Estimate, take actual measurements, work

out perimeters and areas of objects around the house. 

If you wanted to measure the length of a pen what unit of measurement would you use?

Mm, cm or m? I will use cm

Estimate how long you think the pen would be 10cm

How long is it actually? 14cm

If you wanted to measure the height of a regular water bottle what unit of measurement would you use?

I will use cm or inches 

Estimate the height of a water bottle 28cm

What is the actual height? 30cm

What unit of measurement would you use to measure the length of your bedroom? I will use meters

Estimate the length of your bedroom 5m

What is the actual length of your bedroom? 4m

Find the length of five objects in your house. Record what unit of measurement and tool you are

using to measure (e.g. a metre ruler or ruler, cm or mm) 

  1.  A door in your house 2.10m  I used a measure tape 

  2.  A window 1.10m I used a measure tape 

  3.  Closet door 2m I used a measure tape 

  4.  Table 1.5m I used a measure tape 

  5.  Your bed 1.85m I used a measure tape 

Can you work out the area of the lid of your chromebook? (Imagine it was 2D).

What measurements will you need to take? L = 30cm   W = 19cm  

10cm x 30cm = 300cm     9 x 30cm = 270cm     300cm + 270cm = 5702c

So the area of the netbook lid is 5702cm

Can you find the perimeter of your chromebook?

2cm x 30cm = 60cm    2cm x 19cm = 38cm    60cm + 8cm = 98cm

Can you work out the area of your bedroom? L x W   L = 4m   W = 3m

4m x 3m = 122m 

Find out what the dimensions should be for a regular basketball court and a regular football court. 

Basketball court = 28m by 15m     Football field = 105m by 68m

Find the perimeter of both these courts

Football field - 2m x 105m = 210m   2m x 68m = 136m   210m + 136m = 346m

Basketball - 2m x 28m = 56m  2m x 15m = 30m  56m + 30m = 86m

Find the area of both these courts.

Football field - 100m x 60m = 6000m   100m x 8m = 800m   5m x 60m = 300m   5m x 8m = 40m 

6000m + 800m + 300m + 40m = 71402m

Basketball - 20m x 10m = 200m   20m x 5m = 100m   8m x 10m = 80m    8m x 5m = 40m   

200m + 100m + 80m + 40m = 4202m

Hint: Perimeter of a square = side x 4

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 x length + 2 x width

Area of a square = side x side Area of a rectangle = length x width

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Room 7 Whanau Challenge Day 2

Today Mrs Tofa gave us a second task to do for the Whanau challenge. For the day 2 challenge we had to create a family tree, I decided to do two family trees I hope you like what I have made for the Whanau challenges. #2

Group Maths Work - TAHA

300 x 172

100 x 300 = 30000

70 x 300 = 21000

2 x 300 = 600

30000 + 21000 = 51000

51000 + 600 = 51600ml of water  


1 jug = 2L

5 jugs = 10L

25 jugs = 50L

1 jug = 1.6L

26 jugs

Monday, 1 March 2021

Room 7 Whanau Challenge Day 1

Today our teacher gave us a Whanau Challenge for this week. There is a challenge for each day of the week. Today's challenge was to do gardening around the home. This is a video from my Whanau Challenge. It is of me and my family working around our garden.

AJ - First Contact

 First Contact

What are the main ideas you have collected from this text?

The Maori were the first people to come to NZ 

Able Tasman came to NZ on December 1642

Jame Cook came to NZ for a scientific expedition  

What year did Maori first settle in NZ?

The Maori settled in NZ before 1642

When did the Pakeha start arriving in NZ?

December 1642 

What was the purpose of Pakeha coming to NZ?

For a science expedition 

What questions do you have about this text?

What kind of science expedition was James Cook doing

What words did you come across where you had to do extra searching for its meaning?

Establish meaning: (Set up on a firm or permanent basis) and words that are similar to Establish are (Start, Begin, Set up, and Get going) 

Which information did you read in this text which links to what you already know?

Abel Tasman was the first of the Europeans explorers known to have reached New Zealand, in December 1642.