Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Kiwi Kids News - NZ Police Cat - Arnold

Today on the Kiwi Kids News I have read about a Cat named Arnold that got trained by the New Zealand Police. I also read that they had put a video out about their new recruit Arnold on Facebook and the video got 1M - views and 16,000 - comments. Arnold can jump through hoops and the Police said that they would keep people updated on Arnold's training on their Facebook page. 

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Friday, 20 August 2021

What I made for Morning Tea: French Toast

How I made French Toast: First I cracked 4 eggs then I stirred it, once I finish stirring it, I add black pepper, salt and mince leaves into the egg mixture and then I put the bread and coat it with the eggs mixture. Once I finish coating the bread in the egg mixture I go and fry it and then once I finish frying it I can start eating my French toast. So that is how I made my French toast.

4 - Eggs

Pepper & Salt 

6 - Mince Leaves 

How many you want - Bread

Monday, 16 August 2021


 Today For Maths our problem was: 

Miriama is making 'ei katu. 25% of the 'ei katu has pink flowers, 1/5 of it has yellow flowers, 10% of it is white flowers and the rest of the 'ei katu is made up of leaves.

What Percentage or fractions of the 'ei katu are going to be leaves?

How I solved it =  

25% = Pink Flowers

1/5 = Yellow Flowers

10% = White Flowers

So first I needed to find out the percentage  of 1/5 so I drew a circle, halved it in fives and I got 20% Because in Percentage there is always 100% and 5x20 = 100 so 1/5 in percentage is 20%. 

Then I  added it all up: 25% + 20% + 10% = 55%  then I did  100% - 55% = 45% So 45% of the ei Katu will be leaves. 

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Trip to Snow Planet

The doors to the bus opened and we got out, we walked to the front of the building and sat down on the benches. We waited there for a bit and then went inside. They gave us Boots and Gloves and if you were cold you could rent some pants or jackets to keep you warm, once everybody was ready a lady that worked there took us into where all the snow was, everyone first went to the small snow slide where you had to go down using a toboggan then everyone went to the big snow slide and for the big one, you had to use a snow tube. I went on a snow tube that could fit two people in and me and my friend Taylor did it, we did it two times and then we decided to do it alone,  there was two big snow slide next to each other so Taylor and I had raced down them.  

I enjoyed going to Snow Planet and I hope we do it again.

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Friday, 6 August 2021

Gymnastics session

For Gymnastics we learned all kinds of things like the Tuck sit, Motorbike landing, Angry Cat, Happy Cat, Straddle and L sit. We learned all of these things from our wonderful Coach Zade. We also did hands stands to see who could hand stand for the longest no one was good at it and could only hold it up to 1 - 4 seconds but Coach Zade could hand stand for 5 - 13 seconds. We also had to pass to ball around in a tuck sit without dropping the ball it was very hard but we manged to do it. 

We had fun doing Gymnastics and it was very fun doing all the things we learned. 

Mud run Trip

 Mud Run Trip 

Bomp Bomp Bomp as all the contestants ran across the bridge onto the mud, I ran as quick as my feet could take me but then it came to a point where I had to slow down because there was so much mud if I ran I would slip and fall over into the mud. So I jogged through the mud and once I got to the dry side where there was grass I picked up the pace and caught up with my friend Wuatai we ran together for half of the race and then we saw some of our other classmates up on the hill we sprinted from the bottom of the hill up to them, then we went through obstacles and then boom we see people with cameras and phones taking videos and pictures. My mate Sione and I are behind some people while running to the finish line, then phooofff we gas it and beat everyone that was in front of us to the finish line. Standing there was Mrs. Forsyth and Soane when they saw us they started cheering and applauding us. 

It was very fun and I wish to do it again one day.