Friday, 10 January 2020

SLJ - Week 4 Day 1 - Activity 3: The Diary of Anne Frank

Dear diary.
My name is AJ. I am 10 years old and I have two brothers and a dog called Roxy. The countries that I have traveled to are Samoa and Thailand the ethnicity I am are a Samoan Indian Thai German and Niue and in 2009 my family and I moved to Glen Innes and that time I was only one year old. I started kindy in 2011 I learned a lot from kindy and I loved kindy a lot.  I started primary school in 2014 and I loved it a lot, but i was scared at first. Now I'm in intermediate and I'm loving it.


  1. Mōrena AJ,

    Well done for participating in this years' SLJ programme, "Changemakers: People who have changed the world" - you are so close to finishing the SLJ programme so I encourage you to keep up the great work!

    I really enjoyed reading through your diary entry and was happy to learn a bit more about you. I use to have a dog named Roxy! She was the most amazing dog and friend to me. You are very lucky to have travelled to other countries. What other countries would you like to visit? I want to travel back to my homeland, Tonga. I am glad to hear that you are loving intermediate. By adding some bright colours or a few pictures to your blog post I think it would really catch people’s attention.

    Keep going AJ :)

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Thank you for this comment. I would love to visit India where my dad was born. I haven't been there yet but I would love to go.

  2. Hay there aj, Richie here again. Grate to see you doing the summer Learning journey. By the looks of it you might Finnish the whole thing today. Good on you. Keep up the good work and keep blogging and commenting to have a chance of winning.


    1. Thanks Richie for that comment.

  3. Great diary entry AJ...thank you for sharing something about yourself. I too have 2 brothers who live in England and we have x2 cats called Worcester and Konui and x3 fish. Keep blogging!

    1. Thank you for this comment I really like the names of your pets. Thank you again for that comment


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