Tuesday, 31 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day 3 - Activity 3: Achieving our Dreams

My dream job is to be a pilot. 
The reason why is so that I could travel the world and being a pilot would be able to get free tickets for my family for where ever they want to go. 

I also want to be a pilot because they get a huge salary.

To become a pilot and achieve this goal, I would need to work hard. The people that are gonna help me achieve these goals are my mum, dad and teachers and the only way my parents are gonna help are by taking me to fly lessons and the way my teacher is gonna help me by pushing me and helping me a lot in school.

Image result for an pilot

SLJ - Week 1 Day 3 - Activity 2: Defying the Odds

The basketball player I would interview is Steven Adams.
The three questions I would ask Steven Adams are 

  1. How hard was it to get this position?
  2. Who inspired you to play basketball?
  3.  Any other sports you wanted to play before you started basketball?

SLJ - Week One Day Three - Activity 1: Rugby Superstars

Saturday, 28 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day Two - Activity 2: One Small Step for Man

When I took off, I got butterflies in my stomach. 

It almost made me vomit

When I landed on the moon, I felt weird like I was growing a beard. 

But when I took my first step on the moon I was in fear.  

When I came back on the ship, I felt like I cut my lip

 It was my first experience on the moon and 

I would like to try it again very soon.    

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day One - Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

I have chosen SPCA because they are a vet that brings all
animals back on there feet. SPCA is a charity in
New Zealand that helps animals that are
sick, abandoned or lost.

They have helped a lot of animals like dogs, cats, birds
and more they are really helpful when it comes to
animals that’s the reason SPCA is a very good charity.

Monday, 23 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day One - Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

SLJ - Week One Day One - Activity 1: Setting Sail

Imagine that you were invited to join Nainoa for three weeks at sea.

You are asked to pack your own food.

List 10 food items that you could take on the trip.

Remember you will not have a fridge or freezer!


  1. tin food 
  2. Weet-bix
  3. Long life milk
  4. Sandwich wraps
  5. Mixed Nuts
  6. Homemade muffin 
  7. Crackers  
  8. Water 
  9. Sour lollies
  10.  Bag of chips

Monday, 9 December 2019

SLJ - teaser week - Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots

SLJ - Teaser Week - Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots

Kia ora tatou

Ko Maungerei toku Maunga 

Ko Tamaki toku Awa

No Glen innes Ahau

Ko AJ toku Ingoa

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Thursday, 21 November 2019


Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

math week challenge

Today I took part in the math week challenge. I answered all the questions correctly.

Monday, 29 July 2019


Saturday, 13 July 2019

bad guys

The book that I have read is called bad guys. In the story there is
an alien invasion but only the bad guys could stop them and there
was a problem.

When the bad guys were going to save the earth, they
were 65 years back into the past and were attacked by
dinosaurs. Their friend wolf told them that if they stay very
still the dinosaurs can’t see them but he was wrong because
dinosaurs bit onto Mr Wolf’s bow tie and started dragging him up and down. 

Their friend snake came to save them from the dinosaurs.
He threw rocks at the dinosaurs and the dinosaurs fell on the ground.
The bad guys started running away. Snake told the bad guys to
follow him to this place.
They made it to the place where
there were a lot of trees and they
hid behind one big tree.
They saw the dinosaurs were coming, so snake thought of a plan.
He dressed up his friend shark like a tree and shark stood out in the
open. The dinosaurs walked right passed them and they moved
slowly away from the dinosaurs and ran up to a high mountain.

When they reached up on the mountain, snake said
that he knows where a time travel space ship is but it
was broken and they needed to fix it, so we can get back
to earth and save  everybody. When they were finished
fixing the time machine, they saw a button on it that said
do not press. Their friend spider went in first and they
went in after but they didn't know that they pressed the
button that said do not press. When they made it to
earth they had superpowers. They beat the aliens
and the aliens went back to their homes and never
came back to earth again.

Friday, 21 June 2019


How is hurricanes formed?
Hurricanes can only be formed over
really warm ocean water of 80’F or warmer

What is a hurricane?
A hurricane is a huge storm.
A huge storm is an intense tropical
storm with powerful winds and heavy rain.

How many hurricanes happen per year?
Each year, on average, 10 tropical storms, of which
six become hurricanes, develop over the Atlantic
Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico from
June to November. Many of these remain over
the ocean; however, about five hurricanes strike
the United States coastline every three years.

How many people died from a hurricane stick?

This is how many people died from a hurricane 3,057Image result for hurricane transparente


What Is a tornado?
A tornado is something that comes after a thunderstorm
dissolves into a spinning tornado it can spin
as fast as it can and it can go through building and other things.

How do tornadoes form?
Most tornadoes form from thunderstorms.

How long and strong is a tornadoes?
Once a tornado hits the ground it may live for
as little as a few seconds or as long
as three hours. The average twister is about
660 feet 200 meters wide and moves about 30
miles 50 kilometers an hour.

How many people have survived a tornado strike?
The massive EF5 tornado that struck the
city of Joplin, Missouri on May 22, 2011
killed 158 people and left over 1,000 injured.
"The Joplin tornado is the deadliest since
modern record keeping began in 1950 and is
ranked 7th among the deadliest tornadoes in
U.S. history the news says on a fact sheet. May 20, 2019.

What is a EF5?
A EF5 is the levels of a tornado.  tornadoes
have more levels like EF0 that can do know
damage it has EF1 that can do a little bit of
damage and it also has EF2 that can do a
big amount of damage and it has
EF3 EF4 EF5  they are very powerful.

Image result for ef5

Friday, 14 June 2019

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

We learnt about how to budget to save money.

The other topics we learnt about we're
insurance,borrowing, ad ledig,identity
theft,mortgage,trust and saving money.
Our tutors we’re Emma,Jane and Matt from price
waterhouse and cooper Accounting firm.

I enjoyed all the sessions because the activities were very exciting and practical.

Book week in school


Book week in schools

This week was book week.There was a play performed in our school hall on Tuesday.

The play was about the Treasure Hunt that has been written by Craig Christie.

There were two tribes living on an island. These two tribes blamed each other for stealing each others song.

The Tree land tribe was led by George and the sea view Tribe was led by Jessica. These two characters teamed up to solve the problem about the lost treasure that was there song.

The problem was solved when they were able to put the torn map together and work out how to get to the treasure. They had to read three different books to solve the problem.

I really enjoyed this play because both the characters were very smart and talented. They sang very well and were also very hilarious.

Thank you Sam and Lidia for coming to our school. I hope to see you again next year.
Image result for book week treasure hunt

Thursday, 16 May 2019

kiwi sports

Kiwi sports
Today the senior school had its first  
kiwi sports session for this term.
Ben from Auckland badminton taught us some badminton skills.
We used a badminton racket and a shuttle.

We learnt how to hit the shuttle using a forearm hit and backhand

Hit. Ben also taught us how to hold the racket using different grips.
Related image

Friday, 10 May 2019

Maths work

W.A.L.T:  solve subtraction problems using place value

2. If Jennifer  had collected 765 World War ! stamps
during the year, how many more stamps does she
need to collect to make a total of 1200 stamps


culture groups

I’m feeling happy about taking part in cultural groups in
Activities at school this term.
Today I picked two cultural groups that I want to be in.
My first choice was Samoan and my second choice was
Kiwi can jam.

Image result for samoan  

Friday, 3 May 2019

being cybersmart

Being cybersmart is when you never share your personal information with
others. If you tell other people you are leave your foot princess with them
. Permanent copied searched and broadcasted. Remember to be cybersmart.
Image result for cartoon footprints


WALT: We are learning to solve addition and subtractions problems using various strategies

Answer 127
Answer 226
Answer 286
1) 294-167=127             
2) 384-158=226

Friday, 12 April 2019

the last day of term 1

Im super happy because today is the last day of term 1. For the last day of term 1
Mr Nath gave us some homework during the holiday he also gave us a reading log.

The things that i did well this term was my reading, writing and math but the
things that I need to improve on is my
reading i’m well do a lot of reading at home so i can be better for next's term.

Friday, 29 March 2019


For, the pass 2 weeks room 10 has been studying about statistics.
Our focus question was what is the ethnic makeup of Glenbrae school
We work in groups of 4 and we carried out interview room 10 our class found
out About our class's ethnic group.

1.  There are 6 ethnic groups in room 10 there are NZ Maori Tongans
Samoans C.I Maori Chinese Indians   
2. Tongans are the ethnic group with the most children.
3. There are 6 children in the Samoan ethnic group
4. Samoan and C.I Maori have 6 kids and Indian and Chinese have 1 kid
5. Indians and Chinese have the least number of kids.
6. Room 10 has 6 ethnic groups and Tongans have 11 kids in there ethnic and
Chinese and Indians only have 1 kid in there ethnic group.