Tuesday, 31 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day 3 - Activity 3: Achieving our Dreams

My dream job is to be a pilot. 
The reason why is so that I could travel the world and being a pilot would be able to get free tickets for my family for where ever they want to go. 

I also want to be a pilot because they get a huge salary.

To become a pilot and achieve this goal, I would need to work hard. The people that are gonna help me achieve these goals are my mum, dad and teachers and the only way my parents are gonna help are by taking me to fly lessons and the way my teacher is gonna help me by pushing me and helping me a lot in school.

Image result for an pilot

SLJ - Week 1 Day 3 - Activity 2: Defying the Odds

The basketball player I would interview is Steven Adams.
The three questions I would ask Steven Adams are 

  1. How hard was it to get this position?
  2. Who inspired you to play basketball?
  3.  Any other sports you wanted to play before you started basketball?

SLJ - Week One Day Three - Activity 1: Rugby Superstars

Saturday, 28 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day Two - Activity 2: One Small Step for Man

When I took off, I got butterflies in my stomach. 

It almost made me vomit

When I landed on the moon, I felt weird like I was growing a beard. 

But when I took my first step on the moon I was in fear.  

When I came back on the ship, I felt like I cut my lip

 It was my first experience on the moon and 

I would like to try it again very soon.    

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day One - Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

I have chosen SPCA because they are a vet that brings all
animals back on there feet. SPCA is a charity in
New Zealand that helps animals that are
sick, abandoned or lost.

They have helped a lot of animals like dogs, cats, birds
and more they are really helpful when it comes to
animals that’s the reason SPCA is a very good charity.

Monday, 23 December 2019

SLJ - Week One Day One - Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

SLJ - Week One Day One - Activity 1: Setting Sail

Imagine that you were invited to join Nainoa for three weeks at sea.

You are asked to pack your own food.

List 10 food items that you could take on the trip.

Remember you will not have a fridge or freezer!


  1. tin food 
  2. Weet-bix
  3. Long life milk
  4. Sandwich wraps
  5. Mixed Nuts
  6. Homemade muffin 
  7. Crackers  
  8. Water 
  9. Sour lollies
  10.  Bag of chips

Monday, 9 December 2019

SLJ - teaser week - Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots

SLJ - Teaser Week - Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots

Kia ora tatou

Ko Maungerei toku Maunga 

Ko Tamaki toku Awa

No Glen innes Ahau

Ko AJ toku Ingoa

Saturday, 7 December 2019