Monday 4 January 2021

Whai String Games/ Summer learning Journey 2020

 Today I learnt how to make a pattern with a string by watching a video and following the insertions.

I hope you like what i have made.


  1. Hey AJ and Alex,

    Great to see you seem to be working together and helping each other on these tasks, your string game looks like it went well.

    Could I ask you both to upload different images for us please. You can definitely still work together and help each other as long as you both complete the activities. I thought at first that you were 2 different students copying each other So different photos will just help the team on our end to not get confused.

    Maybe you could take pictures of each other for each other's blogs as you finish the task.

    We’d love to be able to see that you are both completing the tasks and learning and hearing from each of you.

    Great stuff boys
    See you later in the comments,


    1. Hey Daniel THANKS! a lot for your lovely comment.

      Alex already changed his photo and YES! we will not use the same photo again.

      Thanks once again Daniel.


  2. Hey AJ,

    Great stuff, thanks for understanding and for your reply, I love that your guys are working together so definitely keep doing that but thanks for separate photos and posts.

    1. Thanks Daniel.

      Me and Alex will surely work together sometimes again.

      Thanks once again.



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