Thursday, 9 January 2020

SLJ - Week 4 Day 1 - Activity 2: Romeo and Juliet

This morning I woke up and waited for my mum to make breakfast she was making an omelet well I was waiting I went to brush my teeth when she called my brothers and I. We went to the table and had our breakfast after my breakfast i started my summer learning journey. 

This m'rning i did wake up and wait'd f'r mine own mum to maketh breakfast the lady wast making an omelet well i wast waiting i wenteth to brusheth mine own teeth at which hour the lady hath called mine own broth'rs and i.  We wenteth to the table and hadst our breakfast aft'r mine own breakfast i did start mine own summ'r learning journey 


  1. Great olde English translation AJ - you should go see a Shakespeare play at the pop up globe in Ellerslie to experience it in an authentic setting. Have you ever seen a Shakespeare play before? keep blogging and replying to your comments and on others blogs too.

  2. Thank you a lot. I haven't seen a Shakespeare play before.Thank you again for that comment.


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